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  • TALK | The Plan for London and the concrete better world

TALK | The Plan for London and the concrete better world

  • 09 Jun 2018
  • 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • The Cass, 16 Goulston Street, E1 7TP
  • 87


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Abercrombie’s Plan for London (1943-44) marked a sea change in the way the city was made, a move towards the view from above. It was indicative of the modernist thinking soon to be made concrete, with cars and pedestrians neatly separated, zones of industry and housing organised by category, and housing lifted away from the smog of the city to new, towering heights.

Using a series of iconic concrete case studies including the Barbican to explore themes of civic, economic, social and architectural change, Dr Jane Clossick (London Metropolitan University) will explore this unique phase in the history of London’s architecture which has left its indelible print on the urban grain of the city today. 

Dr Jane Clossick is passionate about London urbanism. Born in London, she trained as an architect and completed a PhD on a London high street in 2016. She is Lecturer in Urban Design, co-runs the Cass Cities Unit and research group and is course leader for MA Architecture and Urbanism MA at The Cass School of Art, Architecture and Design, London Metropolitan University. 


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