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  • TALK | PROPERTY – the Myth that Built the World

TALK | PROPERTY – the Myth that Built the World

  • 29 Feb 2024
  • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • HTA Design LLP, 75 Wallis Rd, E9 5LN
  • 0


  • London Society members pay just £7.50 for this talk
  • Corporate Members of the Society get free tickets to this talk and can buy guest tickets for £15

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**This event is now Sold Out. A waiting list is in operation so please do register and we will contact you should a space become available.**

Rowan Moore, author of Property, the Myth that Built the World, will talk about the ways in which the power of property shapes a city like London – its triumphs, its disasters, its wealth and its inequalities.

Property is an incisive examination of how property has shaped the modern world – and why it now threatens the freedoms and stability it was meant to sustain.

The promise of property is that it will make you rich and set you free. But it is also a weapon, an agent of displacement and exploitation, the currency of kleptocrats and oligarchs.

Rowan Moore’s new book is a vivid, far-reaching analysis of our concept of property ownership, from 16th-century feudalism to the present day. It tells powerful stories – of life in the developer-led boomtown of Gurugram in India. 

The struggles to form black communities in Missouri and Georgia, are examined, a giant experiment in co-operative living in the Bronx. The theatrics of developer-kings like President Aliyev of Azerbaijan and the Trump family are a fascinating insight.

Above all, Property asks how we have come to view our homes not as a natural human right, but as investments. In this talk, Moore offers hope for how things could be better, with suggested reforms that enable the social wealth of property to return to society, for the benefit of all.

Rowan Moore is the award-winning architecture critic of the Observer and author of Property: The myth that built the world (Faber, Nov 2023), Slow Burn City (Picador, 2016) and Why We Build (Picador, 2012). He was formerly director of the Architecture Foundation, architecture critic of the Evening Standard and editor of Blueprint magazine.

Attendees will also be able to purchase a copy of the book at a discounted rate of 25% off the rrp.

In the build up to this event, please feel free to share via social media:       #LondonSociety2024

@RowanMoore @FaberBooks 




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