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  • WALK | The Elizabeth Line - Above and Below Ground

WALK | The Elizabeth Line - Above and Below Ground

  • 31 Aug 2024
  • 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Oxford St, WC1A 1DG
  • 18


  • Members of The London Society pay just £10 for this walk


It is now two years old but still feels very new. This is a walking tour of a selection of the central area Elizabeth Line stations, travelling on the line between them.

Most stations have two entrances, and we will walk overground between some of the entrances discovering the station architecture, adjacent commercial and residential developments and public realm. Below ground we will see the design features that make this line such an excellent example of twenty first century public urban transport.

Individual audioguides will be provided and the group size is limited to twenty. 

Please note that you will need a travelcard or contactless card. We will be entering and leaving four different Zone 1 stations. All are fully accessible.

Ian Swankie is a Londoner with a contagious enthusiasm for art and architecture. Since 2012 he has led a popular weekly independent art lecture group in his hometown of Richmond in West London. He is an accredited lecturer for The Arts Society, and a Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Art Scholars, one of the City Livery Companies.

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